Walking Down The Unknown Path

Have you ever walked down a path that is so unfamiliar that you realize you really want to turn back to the original place?

It’s okay if we had walked down an unknown path and it doesn’t matter how far we’ve walked, but it’s important for us to know when we need to turn back.

If there was a way for us to get to where we are, then there must be a way to lead us back to where we really should be.

It seems like there are people who walk far down the path that they know doesn’t belong to them, but refuse to turn back because they don’t want to use their energy to walk back the road they’ve tediously gone through.

It may be deep inside, it may be a steep road, it may be a long journey, but that’s what everyone is here for, so never be afraid to turn around and choose another path that really belongs to you!


Photography by MP

Virginia, United States.

24 thoughts on “Walking Down The Unknown Path

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  1. This is such a wise and beautiful share, dear MP. There is a concept in economics called “sunk cost” – we feel we have already sunk so much cost (time, money, emotional involvement) in walking on this path, that it becomes hard to let go and go back. You are so wise to say that we have to step back, reflect and walk the path that we are meant to be on – the path of freedom, love and peace. Blessings, love and prayers for a beautiful walk for you, mon chere amie. 🙂

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    1. Aww, it just made my day seeing your comment! Thank you so much for your appreciation 🙂 I really liked how you made a connection with the economic concept! Although it may seem like we’ve spent so much to walk however far it is, but walking down further into a path that is not our own just increases the sunk cost in the end! Thanks so much for sharing your input, it’s definitely a reality that many people decide to follow… but thank you very much and I wish to you as well that you may walk the beautiful path that is best for you 🙂 Merci Beaucoup,
      Je suis très heureux, mon amie 🙂

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      1. Yes, and after some time the sunk cost is so big – that you feel you can never leave or go back. That is why many people keep sticking to places or professions that don’t work for them. Life is bigger than these costs – and i do believe the Universe is a magical symphony of love – and we are meant to dive into it and share it with all. So how can we do that if we are uncomfortable ourselves? Thank you for this conversation! Bon chance, toujours for toi, mon amie. 🙂

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      2. Wow, those are such inspiring and great thoughts to share, Krishna! I can’t say that any better than you just did, 100% agree with you! Absolutely true that we need to find the right path for ourselves first in order to influence the people around us in this universe 🙂 I really appreciate your wonderful and amazing input, hope you had a great day and Bon Nuit 🙂

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      1. You’re very welcome, MP! Your posts are always on point and so thought provoking. I agree. Hopefully this will help people find the path that’s right for them. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  2. very nice!! there is always a path to choose and to follow, nothing is there which can’t be achieved, in another way round when all doors are closed then there is always key for that door. We should never lose our hope in the difficult situation.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. So true, I wish everyone can see it as positive as you did 🙂 Definitely, we should never lose hope and continue to pursue the path that is right for us no matter how many tries it takes for us to find it 🙂 Thanks so much for the comment, really appreciate it!!! 🙂

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  3. Very true. It’s so important to do what makes us happy, no matter how much effort it may take. It’s just the inspiration I need 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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